Thursday, June 26, 2008

BBC (Biwako Broadcasting Co.) / 琵琶湖放送

I'll be on the BBC this Saturday night (the Biwako Broadcasting Co., that is)! I was interviewed and then also played "Seikatsuhitsujyunin," or "生活必需人" (my first original song with only Japanese lyrics) for a show called "Dream Catcher," which features local musicians from all around Shiga Prefecture. It was my first interview using only Japanese, so I was a bit nervous, but I think it still went all right. Check it out if you have the time! Here's the info:

When: Saturday June 28, 2008 at 10:30pm
Channel: 3 (in the Otsu area, although, I hear that it's channel 5 up toward Nagahama)


今週末の土曜日の夜にBBC(琵琶湖放送)に出るよ! テレビショーの"Dream Catcher" (「ドリームキャチャー」はいろんな滋賀県に住んでるミュジションを出られるっていうテレビショー)でインタヴューしてもらって、そして生で初めての日本語の歌詞ばっかりを入ってるオリジナル曲「生活必需人」を演奏した。それは僕の日本語でインタヴューすることの初めてから、ちょっとドキドキしてたけど、まだ大丈夫と思ってる。もしかしたら、ひまだったら、是非見て下さい!じゃあ、下のインフォメションを見てね:


Monday, June 23, 2008

Japanzine / Japanzineの雑誌

So awhile ago I had submitted three tracks from Only a Moment into a contest through Japanzine. The contest was called Gaijin Sounds, 2008, and was going to make a compilation CD from various foreign (gaijin) artists. I never heard back from them, but then someone told me at a beer garden one night that I was listed in the magazine with others as one of the artists who didn't win, but who people should really check out. It was nice to get listed, and they gave me some great compliments. I just wish someone from the magazine would have let me know sooner...either way, it's great publicity! Here's a link to the article on the Japanzine web site:

Sean Pavone, a buddy of mine, and also the guy Salem, Katie, and I shared a gig with last weekend, was also listed! 


結構前、Japanzineの雑誌のコンテストのため、Only a Momentから3曲をJapanzineの本社に送りました。コンテストは「外人サウンズ、2008」って呼ばれていて、目的はいろんな外国人の音楽家の音楽で曲集(それは本当の言葉かな。。。)のCDを作って売りそうだったけど、Japanzineから何も返事もらわなかったし。で、最近ビアーガーデンに行った時に、友達は「マイク、お前のCDのってたで」って言われて、めっちゃびっくりした!ウィナーではなかったけど、他のミュジションと「こちらはウィナーではなかったけど、彼らの音楽をネットで調べて下さい」っていうことでのってた。本当に雑誌にのれたことはよかったし、それにJapanzineが僕を褒めてくれたからめっちゃ嬉しかったけど、雑誌の会社員の誰かがもっと早め僕に言ってくればよかったと思う。でも公表がいいなー!このリンクはJapanzineのウェブサイトののってた記事へ:


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Gig in Kobe! / 神戸でライブをやるぞ!

Gig in Kobe, hope you can be there! Here's the info:

Who: Salem Willard, Sean Pavone, and myself (playing separately, but Salem & I will play together on a few)
Where: Polo Dog (click here for information about the place and a map)
When: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 8:30pm - 12:00am-ish
Cover: None

This will be my first gig in Kobe, as well as Salem's I think. We'll be playing a lot of originals, but also some covers. Hope to see you there!



場所:ポロドッグ(Polo Dog)(お店についてのインフォメションと地図を見たかったら、このリンクをクリックして下さい)
日時:20平成6月21日(土) 20:30 - 0:00ぐらいまでやってます!
