So there's this German guy I met one time while I was out visiting a friend in LA. He's trying to make it as a DJ, and I was really surprised when my friend mentioned to me recently that he's actually starting to get some recognition. He goes by the name Flula Borg (I'm not sure if that's his real name or if it's just his stage name as a DJ). When I first met him I thought he was a little strange, but he's actually a very nice guy, very dedicated, and his songs have really good beats! Anyway, I emailed him and asked to buy one of his t-shirts because I noticed someone had taken a picture of themselves at Machu Picchu with one of his shirts on, and then took a picture of myself at Kinkakuji (The Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto with the same t-shirt on. I sent him the picture and he actually posted it on his website! Here's the pic:

Check out his website at! Also, someone is actually doing a documentary about the progress he's been making while in LA. Here's one of the videos (you can also find them on his website or on YouTube) just to give you an idea of what he's about: